
Western Rise was founded with an adventurous spirit and a lofty goal: one set of performance clothing that works for anything your day may bring.

Every idea starts with a problem. Ours was simple: a duffle bag full of clothing. We were outdoor guides in Vail, Colorado living multi-faceted days. We want to own less, do more, and spend time doing things that matter to us — whether that’s outdoors, traveling, or everyday.

Clothing options were sport-specific, over branded, and fit poorly so we carried multiple changes of clothing for each activity throughout the day. (We don’t recommend this.)

We started Western Rise to create an alternative.
By leaning on our roots in textile design, circumventing traditional channels, engaging directly with customers, and focusing on classic designs we were able to build versatile, quality, stylish, and sustainable clothing that allows you to own less, and experience more.

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