is a site committed to solving the online shopping ‘problem’. Of the thousands of websites joining the World Wide Web every day, most have a single-point agenda “BUY FROM US!” This unyielding promotion is unfortunately focused not on your interests, but the sellers’. Even with the many ethical sellers, it is easy to be distracted in the whirl. This is where comes in. We break down the pros and cons of each website, giving you a clear picture of what a particular seller is offering. We created this site to be an online advisor that helps people avoid bad buying decisions. For every website that makes it to our website, we make sure that it has a good ‘score’ for the following criteria:

• Quality of Service Offering
• Customer Service
• Delivery
• Returns
• Usability

All members of the team combine their passion with hard work that invariably results in our site readers making the best buying decisions over the net. We go the extra mile to ensure our readers have a nice time reading the interesting reviews, and an even nicer time when they find the best deals on high-quality products and services.